About Us

The Ontario Energy Report wants you to get informed about news, features, products, and anything related to a clean energy system. This nonprofit news site is committed to giving related updates in hopes of reaching more people and helping them become more aware of the matter.

This site is published by a nonprofit and non-partisan organization that promotes clean energy policy. The Ontario Energy Report is an independent information, news, and editorial website, whose content should not be considered to reflect our affiliates’ and donors’ policy positions.

To keep the website up-to-date and in tune with the current trends, positions, and transitions to clean energy, we accept donations from charitable organizations that share our vision. However, our current funders and individual donors have affirmed that they have no permission or rights to supervision regarding the site’s content and editorial process.

Who We Are

The Ontario Energy Report is composed of people who care about the environment and are active in finding out more about renewable energy sources. This website has been a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News since 2014.

We have seen the emergence of good energy sources, their benefits, and their potential to make Earth a safer place to live. Through the articles that we keep on posting on this site, we hope to reach more people to share knowledge and hopefully inspire them to make the transition in the future.

Republish Our Content

The Ontario Energy Report publishes original articles from freelance content providers and independent reporters. We also provide an email digest every day about the trending topics and news from the region.